Enrichment » Student Council

Student Council

Our most prominent student group is our Student Council. Each year students in the third, fourth and fifth grade are elected by a vote of their peers to become members. Student Council is committed to serving the Colfax Community. Over the years, our Student Council members have spearheaded our Recycling program, acted as greeters for our Prospective Parent Tours, spread holiday cheer by caroling at a local convalescent home, collected personal necessities for the homeless and organized food and supplies for servicemen and women. The council raises funds from cupcake or Valentine Gram sales to pay for suggestions that come from the entire student body. The Colfax Student Council also plans many school spirit activities - Crazy Hair Day, Twin Day, the Teacher Olympics, and the Student Handball Tournament are just a few of the fun events organized in the past.

Colfax Students in grades 3-5 are invited to run for Student Government. The offices of President, Vice President, Historian, Secretary, Treasurer and Class Representatives are all elected by the students.

2021-22 Student Council


President: Leo P.


Vice-President: Quinn A.


Treasurer: Claire C.


Historian: Cade S.


Secretary: Solomon B.

2021-22 Student Council


President: Leo P.


Vice-President: Quinn A.


Treasurer: Claire C.


Historian: Cade S.


Secretary: Solomon B.