Parents » The Colfax Connection

The Colfax Connection

Colfax Connection

The Colfax Connection is our weekly school-wide email that is sent out every Monday morning during the school year. This email newsletter contains everything you need to know for the week ahead at Colfax, including important updates from the office and timely information from PACE & PTA. Make sure to read the Connection each Monday for these important messages!

To subscribe, login to your user account on and go to the Account > Subscriptions page. Check that you are "Subscribed" to the Colfax Connection newsletter. If you have questions about how to complete this process or if you're having trouble receiving the weekly emails, please email PACE.


To view an archive of all past Colfax Connection emails, visit the Newsletter Archives page (you may be prompted to login to your account as this page is available to Colfax parents, faculty & staff only).